Often purchasing individual gifts for members of your family, or extended family, becomes harder and harder over time. When we are children, we are very easy to buy presents for. However, as we get older, and our tastes get more set in, it becomes harder for others to buy us things which we will like and enjoy. A good solution to this issue is to purchase “family gifts” which everyone in the family can enjoy together.
Here are today’s top ten Christmas family gift suggestions to get you started on selecting a perfect gift for the family on your list – yours or someone else.
Family Gift Idea #1 – If you have a budget on the higher-end, a good suggestion is a Nintendo Wii gaming system. The Nintendo Wii is much more interactive and family friendly than you typical gaming system.
Family Gift Idea #2 – For more traditional families, or if you are on a much smaller budget, consider a gift of a game night basket. In this basket you can put a new board game or two, a deck of cards, and some snacks for their game nights.
Family Gift Idea #3 – If the family you are gifting enjoys movies, a movie night basket is a perfect gift. Include in the basket their favorite movie candies, some popcorn, and either a DVD or a gift card to their local video rental store.
Family Gift Idea #4 – For a family who is constantly on the move, the gift of something they can do together in the car can be just the ticket. Consider a gift of a trivia game or book which gives them car game ideas to try out.
Family Gift Idea #5 – If your family homeschools their children, or simply spends a lot of time visiting local attractions, a year membership to your local zoo or other large attraction will be a very welcomed gift.
Family Gift Idea #6 – Another great gift idea is to gather recipes from all of your family members and put it together into a nice recipe book for all of the families on your gifting list.
Family Gift Idea #7 – One tradition which works very nicely for family gifts for Christmas is the gift of a special Christmas tree ornament or ornament set each year. You can use them to commemorate any special happenings in their family each year.
Family Gift Idea #8 – Another big hit is a gift basket which includes chocolate in all forms, such as hot chocolate, gourmet chocolate candies, chocolate spoons to be used in drinks, etc… As long as no one is allergic, there isn’t a family out there who won’t enjoy this basket.
Family Gift Idea #9 – If the family you wish to gift has been struggling to make ends meet, you may wish to help them out without doing so in an overt manner. One simple way to do this is through a gift basket loaded with food items which they can use. Another simple way to do this is to fill a small gift basket with gift cards to local stores and gas stations in their area. By choosing a variety of stores you can allow them to purchase things they need to help get them through the next year.
Family Gift Idea #10 – Finally, the gift of an advent basket, or an “all week gift basket” can be a nice fun change from your typical gift basket. In this basket you will include wrapped gifts which will be opened one each day until Christmas. This is really enjoyable for children, even with small gifts to be opened.
As you can see, gifting for a family can really be the way to go this Christmas season. Many people find it easier to purchase a gift, or make a basket, rather than try to find just the perfect gift for each member of the family.